Monday 19 July 2010

‘Sunday’ goes not-so warmist?

I’m told that last night’s Sunday programme ran the BBC’s recent post-Climategate Panorama programme (since Sunday is generally just trash, I don’t bother watching it, so maybe someone could confirm that in the comments?). 

But if they did that would be a very good thing, because the Panorama programme was the first post-Climategate programme produced by the BBC, and it signalled a thaw from their former hardcore warmist position (“We’re all going to die!”) to something a little more sane.  Something everyone should be able to celebrate.

Anyway, rather than repeat everything I said before, I can just point you to what I said about it when it first appeared:


ACT Youth said...

I watched too and skeptics, Dr Christy made sensible comments. He admitted the Physics, which he has always been taking that position, but dismiss the alarming disaster predictions.

I hoped that Nick asshole Smith & Key watched it.

Anonymous said...

it wouldn't move Smith and Key cos they are tax and spend labourosities dressed up with Blue ties, figuring out new ways to milk the taxpayer while suckling at the tit of govt.
The ETS is not about the environment, it is about tax

Anonymous said...

As requested PC, I can confirm that "Sunday" is Trash :-)
I watched the article for a while, but when I started yelling at the TV screen (again) my wife changed channels.
It was very wishy washy.

Marcus said...

BBC does seem less warmist. The panaroma feature wasn't so bad. Unlike in the past they were willing to give airtime to some dissent. This was confirmed a few nights later on the news program newsnight. They covered the climategate report and aired dissenting views as to it's credibility, including a debate with Nigel Lawson.

Anonymous said...

Marcus- that was a truly appalling program. What were you watching? Have you skipped reading all P.C.'s great comments and links re AGW.
2 seconds of Lord Monkton. Loaded questions. Total lack of context keeping. Science by vox populae and consensus. I can understand Kenneth yelling at screen.

Marcus said...

No I haven't anon, I have been posting such things myself.
The program was not the usual "how soon until we all die" type program. It was actually trying to show the level of scepticism in the public and non-alarmists.
It wasn't wonderful, but it was better than expected from the BBC.